Friday, July 11, 2014

Nutella Pastry Cookies: New Food Friday Part 1

Seriously?  I need to do better to read ahead of time so I know what I'm doing.  I had a great plan in my head to put Kaylee down for her nap and then do the cookies then start dinner.  I put her down, open up my iPad, find the recipe...and read "8 oz of cream cheese SOFTENED, 1 cup of butter SOFTENED".  You'll never guess where my butter and cream cheese is.  Oh!  You guessed!  THE FRIDGE.  Sigh.

Well I have a plan, darn it!  So I mixed the dough up anyway.  Ha ha ha.  Take that recipe!  I AM QUEEN!  And guess what? 

So anyway.  I would highly recommend letting your butter and cream cheese soften for this recipe, but if you're a dope like me, you can cut them into chunks and mix them with the mixer and it'll do the same just takes a tad bit longer.  

Also.  Roll dough out into a 10"x7" rectangle? Really?  Cause dough does that...

Oh it doesn't. 

You DO want to roll it thin.  A lot thinner than I did.  When I put the cookies in the oven I set my timer for 15 minutes.  Then 5 more minutes.  Then 5 more minutes.  Then 5 more minutes.  Yeah...30 MINUTES LATER!  So yeah.  Think thin.  Thiiiiiiiin.  Exactly what you will NOT be if you sit and eat all these delicious cookies in one sitting...which is kind of what I want to do.

When it says cut the dough into means squares.  Not rectangles.  See my happy little rectangle shaped cookies?  See my triangle with a weird little corner that shouldn't be there?  Someone didn't follow directions and cut the dough into rectangles. Squares my friends.  Squares would have made my life a bit easier.  Obviously you don't need to get out a ruler and measure to make sure all four sides are the same length (gasp!  4th grade math!  SEE!  You do need math!) but get it as close to square as you can.

The original recipe (which is also the recipe below) recommends drizzling Nutella over the top, but if you look at my finished product:

I didn't put the Nutella on top because we started eating them and didn't want to wait for the drizzling!  (I may or may not be munching on another one as I'm typing.  Don't judge me.)

So yeah.  After those words of wisdom, here's the recipe!

Nutella Pastry Cookies

  • 1 (8 oz) block cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 - 1 1/2 cups Nutella
  • 1/4 cup water
How to Make
  1. In a large bowl cream together butter and cream cheese until light and fluffy. Gradually add flour to mixture until combined.
  2. Divide dough into 4 equal parts. Refrigerate in a zip-top bag for at least an hour, until dough is no longer sticky.
  3. When dough is chilled, preheat oven to 350°.
  4. Lightly sprinkle counter with flour. Roll out one portion of dough into 10"x7" rectangle. Trim edges if necessary. Cut dough into 2 1/2" squares. Place a heaping teaspoon amount of Nutella in the center of each square. Moisten edges of dough with water, fold over diagonally and then pinch closed.
  5. Line baking sheet with parchment paper or a SilPat. Place pastries on baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes until lightly golden.
  6. Transfer to wire rack when done and continue cooling.
  7. **If desired drizzle you can drizzle the pastry cookies with some extra Nutella...heat 1/4 cup Nutella in the microwave for 15-20 seconds, add in about 1/4 -1/2 tsp vegetable oil and stir to thin. Lightly drizzle the Nutella on top of the pastries.

1 comment:

  1. Microwave it for 5-10 seconds. I always forget the soften ahead of time part in any recipe.
