Friday, July 4, 2014

I'm baaaaaaaack! Wait, what?


It's been awhile.

A lot has happened.

I'll give you the shortened version.

  2 days after my last post my amazing younger brother was in a horrible motorcycle accident.  I'm not going to go into all the details now or I'll end up sitting at my computer blubbering like an absolute idiot.  It's already bad enough that the anniversary of his accident is next Thursday...boy this will be a tough week.  If you really want to know all the details you can go to the blog my sister-in-law Alli kept for him during his time in the hospital. ( He passed away from complications from his accident and it threw my life up-side down.  Needless to say, I really haven't felt like doing much of anything since then.  There were a few days that it was pushing it to even get out of bed in the morning.  My wonderful husband has taken great care of me and gotten me through a lot of rough days.  I'm not by any means "all better",  I still have days that I want nothing more than to hide in my bedroom and not come out.  I still plug away though.  I still teach and my fantastic students help get me through the week.  One of the biggest pieces of sunshine in my life since then is my sweet, sweet baby girl Kaylee.

I mean, really.  Check out that face.  What a doll.  She is such a well behaved little girl (knock on wood) and has been so much fun to be a mommy to! She's almost 10 months old (?!?!) and full of babbling and energy...and getting into the dogs' water dish.  Oh well.  She has fun and that's what matters, right?

Now, for the real question.  WHY am I back?  Why after so long did I return and dust off my AMAZING (insert eye roll here) blogging skills? Because I thought it would be fun to share some recipes, that's why!

I am by NO MEANS a professional baker.  I love to do it, but I do it for fun.  I'm pretty well known at work for being one of the first people to sign up to bring a dessert to potlucks.  It seems like people always ask for my recipes. they are...sort of.  I've started a new thing this summer: "New Food Friday".  It was just a fun little way to have an excuse to make new treats once a week.  It's been fun and I want to share!

Now, keep in mind, this blog is not strictly a cooking blog.  I may post about something awesome that happens at school.  I might rant a little bit about the kid that intentionally threw a popper firework at Kaylee who was ASLEEP in her stroller DOING NOTHING to hurt him and the PARENT DID NOTHING.  *Ahem* Sorry...calming down...calming down...okay.  I'm good again.  My plan though, is to continue with "New Food Friday" and post the successful recipes Friday night or Saturday morning.  Knowing my luck, that's what it'll turn into and all I'll ever post, but hey...that should keep people happy, right?

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