Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pour on the cheese!...That sounds gross.

So I've been thinking about this particular post for the last couple days but I held off cause of that stupid thing I said about all the post titles being quotes from my quote wall.  See the problem is my quote wall is at home...and I usually post while I'm at school.  I HAVE A STUDENT TEACHER!  Don't judge!  I finally thought of the perfect title...which ended up being a quote...and all too true.  If you don't like cheese...stop here.

The past few weeks as I've dutifully checked facebook every 15 seconds (again...student teacher...don't judge) I've seen a bunch of my friends posting all these awesome pictures of them doing stuff with their other friends.  Not gonna made me a little sad.  I wanted to be in those pictures. :(  I started wondering why I wasn't included when I realized the "problem"...although we've made it a point to stay in touch and still hang out (which we do and I love every minute that we do)...I've got the married disease with the symptoms of no more daily/weekly hanging out with my besties.  (No one is allowed to be sorry for anything at this point.  This isn't a 'feel bad because of this, that or the other' post)

I sat at my desk sadly for all of about 2 minutes when I got a mental slap in the face.  I realized that I had no reason to be sad or depressed.  I may not hang out with my "besties" all that much anymore...but I get to hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world.  Joe is seriously my best friend in the whole world and I absolutely adore every waking minute we get to spend together. 

We finally get to go on our honeymoon in a week and 1 day and I think I'm more excited to do that than anything I've ever looked forward to...that I can think of.  I'm sure Joe will read this and think of something I was more excited to do.  Point is...I'm SUPER excited.  I'm excited to go on a cruise (I've never been).  I'm excited to be outside in the sun! I'm excited to go to a bunch of beautiful places!  I'm excited to have an endless supply of food at my fingertips 24/7!  But the thing I'm most excited about is spending the 9 days with my adorable, fun and amazing husband.  No jobs, no phones, no computers, no people (that we know...I realize there will be people there thank you very much) and no distractions to keep us from having the time of our lives.  Best. Vacation. Ever!

Point of this post?  I love my hubsband more than anything in the world...and I wanted the whole world (or rather...the three people that actually read my blog) to know.


  1. 2 days now!. I am so stoked to be with you for every minute for a week +. I love you :) you're my favorite. And be cheesy, babe, pour it on.
