Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm funny sometimes. I like me! - Susan

Okay, so I'm giving this whole blog thing a try. After reading all Joe's posts and all Alli's posts on their blogs I decided that for could go one of two ways. This will either take off and be the most fantastic thing on the face of the planet and everyone will love me and beg to give me money and want to make a movie of my life because what they read is so amazing....or it'll flop on it's face. Bah ha ha. Either way...I'm going to give it a shot. I'll most likely share horror stories from school, post amazing recipes that work out for me, post funny cat stories (yes...I'm a cat person...get over it. My cats are funny) or just get on here and babble like a mindless...mindless....I don't know what. But something mindless.

Word of warning. I ramble. I've had lots of people in the pipe band complain that my emails ramble and are useless. Others claim the emails are the most entertaining thing they've ever read. So don't judge me.

I guess I should explain the title of my blog. Well...not's pretty self explanatory except for the burrow part. That's the name of my house. Now, I don't normally name inanimate objects like other people do. For car had no name until a 4 year old named it. I wasn't going to name it. So why do I have a name for my house? Let me tell you. I bought my house in July of 2009. At the time I had a contract for an apartment up in Orem that expired at the end of August. I figured since I had a month and a half to get moved down to Springville I'd take the time to fix up my new home and make it pretty. Paint...clean the carpets...basically move in a leasurly fashion (oh...and I can't really spell). My two roommates at the time were moving with me so pretty soon all three of us were making our way between Orem and Springville on an almost daily basis. As we'd leave we'd say things like "I'm heading down to the apartment" or "I'm going home." Well. Seeing as how we also live close to our parents this became confusing. (Why we felt the need to tell each other everywhere we were going...I'm really not sure) So I decided to give my condo in Springville a name so we'd have an idea of where we were going. So there you have it. The Burrow (yes...a Harry Potter reference). That's my house.

Oh! I wanted to explain another thing (this is getting long. I told you I ramble) the titles of my posts. I have a magnificent quote wall in my hallway. Some are movie quotes, some are book quotes...but most are stupid things that we've said. We being my friends, family and myself. (we counted once. I said the most stupid things. Shocked? I think not). So I decided I want to try to find a quote from my quote wall and use it as my post title. So yes. I did say I'm funny sometimes. I like me! Wish I could remember the story. (Although then this post would be even longer.)

So that's it! Post number one. Are you impressed? You know you are. Admit it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love it! I am definitely going to become obsessed with reading your blog. It's the perfect combination of funny rambliness. :)
