Saturday, November 22, 2014

Chocolate Cobbler: New Food Friday lives on my friends!

Okay.  So here's the thing.  If you were to go back and look at any of my journal entries from growing up you would notice 2 things.  First, I was really whiny and annoying (maybe that hasn't changed much...) and second, I had this HORRIBLE habit of saying something like this: "Okay, I'm going to do so much better with my journal entries!" and then the next entry is 5 months later.  I'm bad.

Given my past...we shouldn't find ourselves surprised to see that my last blog update was what, 3 months ago?  Better than 5 months though.  However, given that school has started and I've been busy with that...I feel like I'm doing well to actually write again.  Maybe one day I'll be consistent in my writing.  Maybe.

SO!  On to this week's recipe!  Chocolate Cobbler.

This school year I have a student teacher.  I got SO much school work done and was sooooo lazy at home. Soooo...why no new recipes?  Ummmm....can't you read?  La-zy. LAAAAAA-ZZZZYYYYY.  Lazy. Anywho.  As of last week I've taken most of my class' subjects back (Ummm...just went back and checked for curiosity sake and my last blog entry was...dun dun dun-dun!!!!!...5 months ago.  Like clockwork.) and learned something somewhat important.  Here it is:  TEACHING IS HARD!!!!!  I know, I know.  Duh.  Teachers know that already...I knew that already, so maybe I shouldn't say I "learned something important" but "rediscovered something important".  Needless to say, by Friday I was pooped.  So naturally I wanted to cook something.  (Cooking stresses some people out.  Cooking relaxes some people.  I am the second "people".)  I wanted to cook something chocolate.  And I wanted something warm.

Last summer I stumbled upon this heavenly recipe on pinterest (it's one of the first "new food Friday" that never appeared here) and lucky for me and my popped into my mind.

It's warm.

It's chocolate.

It's ooey and gooey.

It's perfect.

I give to you:  Chocolate Cobbler.

3/4 C sugar
1 C flour
1/3 C Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 C milk
1/3 C butter, melted

Sugary Topping Thing:
3/4 C sugar
1/4 C brown sugar
1/4 C Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
1 1/4 C boiling water
1 tsp vanilla

Make the cake part by combining all dry cake ingredients.  Mix well then add the milk and melted butter.  It will be VERY thick.  Spread it into a 7x11 inch pan (you could use a  9x9 or 8x8 pan as well...but if your pan is metal don't forget to grease it!) and set aside.

Mix the dry topping ingredients and spread evenly over the cake batter.  Boil the water then add the vanilla to the water.  Pour water/vanilla mixture over the sugary topping (don't stir it!) and place in a preheated 350 degree oven. Bake for 35-40 minutes.  The middle will be a little wibbly-wobbly, but it's done. :)  Let it cool for about 10 minutes and it's ready to go!

I served it with whipped cream the first time and ice cream the second...both are good, but I liked the whipped cream better.

Any leftovers (is that even possible?!!?) can be left in the pan and covered with plastic wrap, it saves for a couple days without problem.  Warm in the microwave for about 30 seconds and it's as good as it was fresh.  Enjoy!!!