Sunday, July 8, 2012

You must stop being strange. It's unattractive.

Woot!  So here I, 3 months after my last post.  Wow...I'm a real winner when it comes to posting on my blog.  But I got to thinking the other day that I was never any good at keeping up with my journal either and I actually wrote more when I told myself that I refused to feel guilty for not writing more.  So don't you send me on a guilt trip for not writing more! I won't either. 

You're all in luck, though.  I actually wrote this post while I was ON MY CRUISE!!!  Yes, I'm just posting it now...but it was written as it happened.  I ramble.  I'll stop.  Here you go:

15 Things I learned on my Cruise

1.  Free ice cream 24/7 is one of the best ideas out there.
2. Shaving one's legs when they're ridiculously sunburned may be one of the worst ideas ever.  EV-ER.
3. Del Sol fingernail polish is the best thing invented.
4. I may not be able to survive day to day life without a two hour nap before dinner.
5. A burger a day...and yes, I still love them.
6. Cruise ships = bizarre dreams.  Joe's snoring equals the joker...ghosts tear off my sheets...some kid losing his brains.  No biggie.
7. I really DO like to read.  I just forgot.  Nothing is going to get done at my house ever again.
8. I really am afraid of fish.  And being in the ocean.  Really.
9. I always have and probably always will have a soft spot for cats.  They were my favorite animals at the zoo.
10. I love air conditioning.
11. I should probably work on my "I hate Americans" attitude...seeing as I am one.
12. I'm too chicken to say thank you in Tagalog.
13. Oreos will always be matter which country I'm in.
14. Watching a movie in a pool is AWESOME.
15. My toe ring isn't a fan of salt water.

Yes...most of these statements have a story behind them...such as number 2...I burned my legs so badly I couldn't walk on them for a day.  Number 6? Yeah, I woke up crying because of that kid that lost his brains.  Maybe one day I'll elaborate, but for now...that is all.